Stable Notes by Mike Ahrens: Day Two of Ruidoso Futurity Trials

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On opening day Sergio Ibarra said he had better ones the following day and he delivered in today's first race with Cyber Monday who ended up with the third-fastest time of the day. "He didn't have as good a start as he did last time [in his training race], but he came back. Hopefully he comes back good and strong. They're just improving, it's just like someone that goes to school. You've got to go to school to learn and keep practicing and practicing."

The second race found an impressive winner in Jettz, the fastest time of the day, for trainer John Buchanan. The runner up in that event, Packsaddle Senator for trainer Gerald Reed, was also the second-fastest of the day. Of the ten fastest races of the day three came from race one, two from the second and sixth races, and one each from races seven, 12, and 14.

It was a welcome return to the Ruidoso Downs winner's circle for trainer Heath Taylor after a lengthy absence when he won the third race with EC Fama. Although a winner, the time was not quick enough to make the finals or Ruidoso Juvenile. Taylor "thought he got a little bit lost on the outside because all the company was on the inside...they were a little far apart. In his schooling races he was really quick into stride but he was in the middle with a lot of horses around him." The wind picked up for this race compared to the first two. "It's just kinda Ruidoso roulette... right when they went out on the track it picked up significantly and you know, that's part of racing here." Echoing this sentiment were several other trainers, with Clint Crawford stating after his runner Seven won the 10th race "You gotta outrun the elements up here along with the horses."

In the 12th race Manny Rodriguez trainee Steal the Candy made an impressive run to get into the 5th fastest time of the day at that time, and last qualifying spot for the finals, but was overtaken for that final spot in the 14th and last race of the day. Rodriguez did state, however, that he thinks his colt can continue to improve and will get better with the further distance of the Rainbow Futurity. The horse that overtook this one as the final qualifier for the finals was Wes Giles' Kj Daisy Duke. Giles had praise for his jockey Alan Hernandez, stating "Alan's a collected rider. For a young guy that's only been here a couple of years...he doesn't get butterflies, he just goes out and does his job." As for the weekend experience given the unprecedented circumstances the world is in, Giles said "You can hear a pin drop. It's not the same without the owners here, but at least we're giving them a chance to try and make some money with their horses," and was thankful, as we all are, that we're able to continue racing at this wonderful venue.