Stable Notes by Mike Ahrens: Clint Crawford Talks about Uncle D

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"We took him back to the track yesterday [5/15] and he's hitting the ground really strong, smooth, you know, all his legs, knees, ankles, everything came back perfect... We've been galloping on this horse
since January, you know, so he oughta be ready," said Crawford.

On skipping the Heritage Place at Remington and pointing specifically for the three Derbies here:

"The derbies out here are bigger. I was just praying that the coronavirus didn't knock us out. I'll tell you something, and I've seen it for years, the guys that run at Remington and then they try to come out here and run in all these derbies, they always fall short. I think it's best to let him wait for Ruidoso and save our horse so we can make it all the way to the end. That's what I'm trying to do."